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Karaoke DVD a KARAOKE SADY - vše skladem - známe své zákazníky a pracujeme rychle
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Karaoke skladba The Riddle od: Nick Kershaw


Karaoke skladby:
« předchozí skladbanásledující skladba »

Disponibilní pro:  Zakázkové karaoke DVD.

Kvalita a věrnost karaoke skladeb - splněno i u karaoke skladby The Riddle. 869 skladeb ve formátu karaoke jsme už připravili a stále nás to baví :) Máme připraven jak karaoke klip, tak i hudební podklad, stačí se podívat po našem webu. Délka karaoke klipu: 3:53.

Vlož do koše a v koši vše doladíšCena: 65,00 Kč(2,65 EUR)

Skladba je obsažena na těchto našich Karaoke DVD:

28 Zahraniční pecky II  Vlož do koše a v koši vše doladíš

Demo DVD videa:

On-line formáty na www.musicer.net

Skladbu si můžete na našem serveru přidat na zakázkové karaoke DVD. Pokud chcete zakoupit ale jiný formát, budete muset na náš mateřský web a skladbu zakoupit tam. Zde je seznam dostupných formátů:

Pozor - soubory jsou ma serveru www.musicer.net připravené pro stažení, platba ON-LINE KARTOU nebo jinými platebními metodami!


Text písně:

I got two strong arms
Blessings of Babylon
Time to carry on
And try for sins and false alarms
So to America the brave
Wise men save

Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right
But he'll never, never fight over you

I got plans for us
Nights in the scullery
An' days instead of me
I only know what to discuss
Of for anything but light
Wise men fighting over you

It's not me you see
Pieces of valentine
An' just a song of mine
To keep from burning history
Seasons of gasoline and gold
Wise men fold

Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right
But he'll never, never fight over you

I got time to kill
Sly looks in corridors
Without a plan of yours
A blackbird sings on bluebird hill
Thanks to the calling of the wild
Wise men's child

Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right
But he'll never, never fight

Near a tree by a river
There's a hole in the ground
Where an old man of Aran
Goes around and around
And his mind is a beacon
In the veil of the night
For a strange kind of fashion
There's a wrong and a right
But he'll never,
never fight over you.
But he'll never,
never fight over you.
Kraoke koš

Pomocná ruka pro KARAOKE objednávku - volej: 603 872 069 (pracovní dny 8-16 hod.)

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